Thursday, February 13, 2014

Are You Coming To The Blogger Meet-Up?

Hey Everyone,
So after lots of tweeting and a pole the date is finally set for the Meet-Up, with the majority vote... April 26th!
Now we have a date set I need a better idea of numbers to be able to go ahead with planning and sort out a venue. I thought the best way to get an accurate reading of numbers would be to create a link up. Therefore ONLY if you are planing on coming to the meetup please leave your name and blog link below. Please do not put your blog link or name below if you cannot make it to the blog event in Dublin on that date as I need to know accurate number to be able to plan!
Meet-Ups are a great opportunity to get to know other bloggers, make friends, and gossip about all things makeup and beauty. It would be great to get together as many people that want to go to the event as possible, so please help by spreading the word and directing people to this list!

Lastly I need to come up with a hashtag for the meetup to make it easier to communicate on twitter without completely spamming #irishbbloggers! I was thinking something like #bbloggerslovelifemeetup but it seems very long so if you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What I Ate Wednesday #4

Hey Everyone,
Another week, another 'What I Ate Wednesday'! 
Did anyone see the snow yesterday? This week has been so cold I've been having lots of soup, to stay warm...yummy! 
Breakfast: My usual granola with raisins and Strawberry Yogurt
Lunch: Warming homemade roasted butternut squash and carrot soup with a swirl of natural yogurt! This was delicious I'm definitely going to make it more often. 
Dinner: Homemade Salmon and Broccoli Fish Cakes with Spinach and Rocket Salad. I have loved fish cakes since I was little and these are a twist on an old classic, they are super filling though so I perhaps didn't need this much!

What have you been eating this week?

Monday, February 10, 2014

I'm Organizing An #irishbbloggers Meet Up

Hey Everyone,
I'm organizing a meet up in Dublin and I wanted to get an idea about dates people were free! I thought a Saturday would be the best, and I know some people have important exams etc coming up so I thought the fairest way was through a poll to determine when it should be. The only dates I'm free coming up is the 26th April or sometime in May or August!

What Day Would You Like The Meet-Up? free polls 

Please only vote once on one date to get an accurate poll! If you vote on a date and are interested in coming to the meetup please comment below so I can get an idea of numbers!

I'm so excited to get to know more of you!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Saturday With Benefit

Hey Everyone,
Yesterday I visited the Benefit Boutique for the first time with some other #irishbbloggers for afternoon tea with the lovely Sofia and Mark. The Benefit Boutique (South William Street) was pretty amazing the place is huge and everything from the walls to the floors is brilliantly Bene-afied! 
It was lovely to just sit and chat about products, whilst enjoying some delicious cupcakes. 

Special thanks to Roisin and Sian for keeping me company and Happy Birthday Roisin for Tuesday! Look out for some Benefit product reviews as soon as I've played around with the new amazing products.

I'll be back next Sunday with another blog design tutorial!

What have you been up to this weekend?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What I Ate Wednesday #3

Hey Everyone,
I hope you are all having a lovely week so far! On with the healthy eating...Here's what I ate last Wednesday:

Breakfast: I'm still loving my morning granola, this week I had it with a natural low fat yogurt! I'm starting to notice now I'm eating breakfast, that I'm actually really hungry if I skip it. I'm trying to eat the right things and not snack mid morning instead.

Lunch: Back to good old reliable Rivita this week, again with pesto and tomatoes but after some of your suggestions on last weeks post I'm going to be trying something new next week! 

Dinner: For dinner I opted for a salad of spinach and rocket leaves, kidney beans, peppers, cherry tomatoes, 2 boiled eggs and half a tin of tuna, it was surprisingly more filling than I thought it was going to be!

I hope you are all having a lovely week despite this crazy weather we are having! 
What have you been eating this week? 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Top 5 Hair Care Products

Hey Everyone,
I haven't done a post on hair care for a while now so I thought I would share with you some of my favourite products for both styling and caring for your locks:

I absoloutely love control freak it was my favourite styling product as a teenager because it helped to control my frizzy hair. I first tried it when getting a hair cut and fell in love! I use it two ways first while my hairs still damp I put a bit on my fingers and run it through my hair to help keep frizz at bay while blow drying my hair. Secondly just after drying I use small amount which adds shine and keeps fly away's in check.

This might seem a bit of an odd product to include but once a month I use Johnsons baby shampoo as it is a great cleanser. I find it helps get rid of shampoo and residue build up from different products which can make your hair appear lacking in luster. I also always have this around as it is also a great makeup brush cleanser but that's beside the point.

Again this is another salon discovery I love it because as the name states it give flexible hold which is what I'm always looking for. When I style my hair with a wave it's important to have good hold but natural movement. I also love how this brushes out without leaving gross residue. 

Macadamia is so hyped up in the beauty world but I have to agree its amazing! I have such dry and damaged hair at the moment I find this amazing as a treatment to care for my ends. I apply this to damp hair before blow drying it (but never use too much to avoid over shine), and of course brush my hair out with a wide tooth comb to prevent more damage.

Last but not least is this repair mask. We all love our face masks but neglect the fact that our hair also benefits from a bit of care. I love this mask as it really feels different afterwards, it's always softer and more glossy looking. If only it was slightly cheaper I would be using it more often.

I have linked all the products above encase you are interested in them, they are all available if you Shop online at Pauls Hair World. Something else I spotted whilst on the site that some of you might find interesting is Dip dye hair extensions which are extremely popular.
*Sponsored Post Disclaimer in Sidebar

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hey Everyone,
two weeks ago I showed you how to create a header for your blog so this week I thought it was time to show you how to create a Navi Bar. A Navi Bar can be a very important part of your blog (links different pages), so its just as important to get the design right of this as it is of any other aspect. I'm going to show you the simplest way I know making one:

Step 1: To get the size of your bar right, you need to decide the width of it. You can do this two ways:
1. If you want it to run the entire width of your blog you need to check the width size of the blog (Template>Customise>Adjust Widths) 
2. If you want the bar to be center with your header (This is how I did mine) you need to find out the width of your header. You can do this by just clicking on the image (header) you created and making a note of its width. 

Step 2: Once you know the width go to and then click the 'Design' button. 

Step 3: Then click the 'Custom' button.

Step 4: It will then ask you to input your measurements so into one box you put the width you decided on earlier and in the other put in a height you like. Next click the 'Do It' button!

Step 5: When you first enter the design stage in the left sidebar there will be an option for canvas colour. I would suggest matching this to the background of your header to make sure it is in-keeping with your design, but its totally your own choice. Next is when you design your Navi Bar how you want it, whether its with text or symbols. 
The 'Butterfly' button will take you to lots of shapes and interesting images. You can change the size by dragging the image by one of the corners and change the colour by clicking the colour box that appears when you select and image. 
The button 'Tt' will bring you to a huge variety of text options to help spell out your blog name or description. Select the text you like then click the 'Add Text' button at the top to add in your text. You can change the text size and colour by using the box that appears when you add the text. 
To delete either text or shape select the item by clicking on it and then either press the delete button on your keyboard or the 'delete' button in the box that appears for each item.

Step 6: Once you have created your Navi Bar you need to save it, click the 'Save' button at the top of the screen.

Step 7: Name your File and Select the quality 'Sean' to give you the best quality image.

Step 8: Click the 'Save To My Computer' button and put it in a folder where you will know where to find it.

Step 9: Next you need to upload your navi bar to an online picture hosting site I would suggest Create a free account. Then Click the 'Upload' button. 

Step 10: Then Click the 'Choose Photos and Videos' button. Double click on your designed navi bar to upload it.

Step 11: Once uploaded click on the 'Library' button and 'View Library'. 

Step 12: Find your Navi Bar in the library, at the top right hand corner of the image there will be a little cog if your hover over that a list of options will appear click 'Get Links'.

Step 13: A list of links will appear, click into the box labeled 'Direct' it will automatically copy the direct text for you.

Step 14: Next you need to create links to your pages so go to

Step 15: Right click into the box and paste your Direct Code you just copied from the previous site. Then click the 'Start Mapping' button.

Step 16: The site will then upload your navi bar, when it appears click 'Continue'.

Step 17: Right Click on the image, a list of options will appear, select 'Create Rect'.

Step 18: A box will appear leave that for a moment. To create a link drag your mouse over a title of a page on your navi bar a rectangle will appear over it highlighting the area (This will be your link). Now go back to the box, in the box there is a text box called Map URL in this put in the link to your page (e.g If you have selected Home put in your blog link). Then click the save button.

Step 19: Repeat step 18 for every page within your navi bar. Once finished right click again and the option bar will appear click the 'Get Code' button.

Step 20: A box will appear, at the top click the 'HTML Code' button.

Step 21: Scroll down, till you see a box titled HTML Image Map Code, Copy this HTML.

Step 22: Go to blogger then go to layout. If you haven't already made your own (or had it made for you) you will have a pages bar in the layout just below your header if you have had a navi bar made before it will more than likely be called HTML, either way make sure it is your pages bar before temporarily dragging it into your sidebar. I would suggest doing this rather than deleting it encase something goes wrong with your new bar you can always drag this one back.

Step 23: To upload your new Navi bar click the 'Add Gadget' button in your sidebar.

Step 24: A new tab will appear scroll down till you see option called 'HTML/Java Script' and select that.

Step 25: Into the box titled 'Content' paste your HTML code and then click the 'Save' button.

Step 26: Now drag this gadget so that it sits in the box below your header. Then click the 'Save Arrangement' button at the top right to save your new navi bar.

Step 27: To check out your new navi bar click the 'View Blog' button. 

Step 28: check all your links are working, once they are then you can remove your old navi bar.

I hope this helps, if you have anymore questions please don't hesitate to ask! 
I will be uploading Blog design tutorials on Sundays for the next while, so don't forget to check back!

Previous Blog Designing Posts:

*I am not responisble for any changes you make, Please save your blog and blog html first somewhere. Any changes or mistakes you make are your own responsibility and I am not liable!