Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tag: 25 Things you might not know about me

Hey Everyone,

Today's post is a Tag that I've seen floating about for a while and I thought why not... So here we go:

  1. I'm an only child, but was very close to my cousins growing up and consider them my sisters
  2. I'm shopping obsessed, but never have any money
  3. I used to want to be a ski instructor and got to level 3 but, haven't been back since because of Uni etc. I really would love to go back!
  4. I don't have many (girl) friends. but wish I did!
  5. I actually don't drink anymore, but it doesn't stop me having fun
  6. I named my car after a family member, but shhhh its a secret
  7. I'm qualified as a secondary school teacher, but I'm still not sure if that's what I want to do
  8. I have my own flat in Dublin, but I wish it was a house no matter how much I love it
  9. My favorite colour is Emerald Green, but I'm partial to turquoise  
  10. I'm allergic to kiwi's, but please don't try and kill me off 
  11. I'm supposed to wear glasses but, I rarely do!
  12. I hate ice cream, but I like Ben and Gerry's cookie dough and also pistassio
  13. I really want to travel to Italy, but hate it when the weathers too hot! So will have to time my trip
  14. I'm a size 10 to 12, but I would love to tone up
  15. I did horse riding as a child, but I stopped after another girl fell of a horse
  16. I love salads especially with avocado, but I love lemon cupcakes just as much
  17. My favorite film is sleepless in Seattle, but I'm a totally filmy have way to many DVD's and love many modern films too
  18. I live in the city, but I am a total country person and hate the busyness of city life! Apart from the shops obviously!
  19. I went to Art college for 4 years where I learnt things like fine art, graphics, digital media, photography, fashion, and ceramics, but I sometimes wish I'd stuck to one thing
  20. The only fizzy drink I drink is 7up, but I sometimes will drink club lemon
  21. I'm OCD about washing my hands, but I'm also OCD about food being cooked properly :/
  22. My natural hair colour is jet black, but years of dyeing it means its never gone back to that
  23. I started wearing makeup at about 15, but it only consisted of mascara and a natural collection liquid highlight 
  24. My birthday is on the 16th of June
  25. I have never broken any bones, but did end up in hospital 2 years ago when I fell over in the snow and had to get a operation on my back

I tag:

Go you if you read all of that! I hope this gave you more of an insight to me, and I would love to here some facts about you!!


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