Hey Everyone,
So I recently hit 300 followers and I was so happy and grateful I wanted to give something back. However money is tight at the moment and I can't afford to do the type of giveaway I would like, so until I can I have come up with an alternative!
Firstly I just want to say I know that not everyone who reads and follows my blog is a blogger themselves so as soon as I have some money saved up I will do another giveaway makeup (or otherwise based) for you all as well...
but this giveaway is for one blog header designed by me for one of you!
Obviously when the winner is contacted we can have a chat and I will then create one according to the style of your blog! I've chosen to use Rafflecopter again because its easy to follow the instructions it also randomly selects a winner for me so its all fair!
To see my previous design work click HERE (towards the bottom of the page is my blogger work), check out my work so that you can decide whether I'd suit the style of your blog.
Lastly thank you so much to everyone that has read and followed 'Love Life and Makeup' I appreciate you all so much and it means more than you will know that so many of you read, comment, and chat to me! So if you would like to enter follow the instructions on the Raffelcopter and Good Luck!
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