Friday, August 2, 2013

Irrational Fear or Justified

Hey Everyone,
the other night while on twitter I noticed a tweet from a fellow blogger about a hair raising situation...There was a crane fly in her room! Yes that's right a CRANE FLY, those freaky long legged flying spiders. Her fear to me was totally justified as fellow scaredy cat of such things, but that got me thinking about other things I'm afraid of and then I came to the strange realization that they were all things that could fly! 

Granted the majority of people are scared of creepy crawlies and such, like spiders but not me my fears include (but are not limited to) moths, fly's, crane fly's, daddy long legs, birds and PIGEONS. 

I give pigeons there own special mention as they do not classify as normal birds they are the demon of normal birds and don't tell me there not, those things have red eyes! I knew a pigeon once I know it was the same pigeon because he used to taunt me! He used to sit on my window sill and then everyday when I opened the blinds there he was starring at me... It was like something out of a horror film and did he have any notion of moving, hell no. He would just stay and stare. Then every day around lunch time when I sat down with a sandwich he would appear again just starring at me with his crazy eyes and give an auld hoot to make me jump. I have a few words for that pigeon, none of which I could repeat on here! 

My fear of birds is purely because who wants anything flapping around in their face, and then there's those beaks surely they could do some serious damage? Fly's well we all know where they've been and what they produce no thank you! Moths, daddy long legs, and crane fly's if you were brought up in the country and your bathroom was already pretty grim, and you had to go in there at night after the window had been open all day... god help you my friend. The ceiling would be covered in millions of buzzing insects, and if you even chanced switching on the light you were a dare devil because that was like a disco for those critters! 

So are my fear just irrational nonsense or am justified in being completely bat sh*t crazy? 


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