Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Rant: A Disgusting Man

Hey Everyone,
I usually try to keep anything negative away from llandmakeup as I want this is be a positive space but something has really annoyed me I need to vent!
I’m not the type of girl that bitches about men or anything like that, having been raised solely by a man I tend so find men easier to converse with and feel more comfortable around them, which is probably why I have so little female friends :(
... but something happened a few days ago that made me need to have a moan, sorry for all the complaining I'm about to do!

I was in a popular clothing store looking for a top in my size and a women passed me followed by her child and I suspect her husband. As he passed me he pinched my arse. Now I’m not talking about a little tap that could be mistaken for someone brushing passed you, but a full on pinch/squeeze. I was needless to say stunned, at first I just stood there shocked and then I got pretty angry pretty fast. I’m not a violent person by any means (to be quite honest I'm against violence of any kind) but in that moment I really wanted to punch this guy square in the face. How dare this disgusting man who was definitely old enough to know better do that to me.  It took every bit of restraint in me to not go absolutely nuts, and I would of definitely had a few choice words for him if it wasn't for the fact that he had a young child with him. I did however feel extremely sorry for his wife/girlfriend who carried on shopping oblivious to the idiot she was with.

I’m honestly still shocked and angry, even a couple of days on. I thought the days of men thinking they can objectify women was long gone! 
So I want to know has this ever happened to you? and how did you deal with it? 
Was I justified in my anger or is this just a normal every day occurrence? 


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