Hey Everyone,
I love Pinterest and I find it a huge help in many different ways when it comes to Blogging... So I thought I would share these tips with you and hopefully someone else finds them useful.
1. Link Your Blog URL:
Link your Blog to your Pinterest account. If people like your pins they might like your Blog. Click edit your profile, then link with your Website/Blog... You could even choose your Blog name as your Pinterest username (if its available of course), making a recognizable connection.
2. Create A Board With Your Blog Name:
By uploading images from your Blog and linking them back if someone repin's your image your link is spread. You can link your Blog to an image by first uploading it to your board, then clicking the edit symbol on the pin and adding the URL.
I would suggest adding the exact Blog post URL that the picture came from, therefore if someone wants to check out the post they only have to click on the picture.
3. Blog Post Inspiration:
Browse Pinterest for Blog post inspiration. Pinterest has so many pins you will find inspiration in a number of places. By clicking the button next to the search bar in the top left hand corner multiple options appear/image categories. There is even a DIY & Crafts page for the arty Bloggers out there.
4. Images:
Writing a post which you need images for? Whether its a inspirational quote or a bunch of flowers it can probably be found on Pinterest. You can use the search bar to find images, just don't forget to link the image source back to where you found it.
5. Networking:
Follow fellow Bloggers as well as random boards you like and they might follow you back. Every image you upload has a possible link to your Blog so its a great way of networking.
6. Blog About Pinterest:
Blogging about Pinterest might seem strange but if you like imagery it can be a great post. Include images you love that week, month etc... It gives people an opportunity to learn about Pinterest, also that you are on it, and you get to use lots of pretty images.
Have you got Pinterest? How do you use it for Blogging?
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